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iOS Developer

Oferta Pune
Postuar 7 vjet më parë
131 shikime
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iOS Developer

Oferta Pune
Postuar 7 vjet më parë
131 shikime


GooNext is looking for a iOS developer, a professional figure who joins IOSdevelopment team. Our team is always looking for innovative and original solutions to create unique products and offer new features on Apple devices.

**What you will do:**

- Analyze the product specifications, design implementation, writing codes and provide solutions;
- Analyze performance metrics, draw conclusions and guide any possible changes;
- Share technical ideas and suggestions to improve products;
- Writing codes, carry out tests, reviewing and development of working plans;

**Skills required:**

- Understanding of UIKit, Core Animation, GCD & Networking;
- Excellent knowledge of OOP and of the main Design Patterns;
- Ability to carry out performance analysis, with reporting and measurements;
- Experience in performance profiling with the tools provided by Xcode;

**About you:**

- Self-motivated able to meet deadlines working independently;
- Passion for iOS mobile development;
- Communication capability and teamwork skills;
- Positive and logical approach and desire to learn;
- Attention to detail and passion for the quality of work;

**We offer:**

- Growth perspectives;
- Remuneration and contract proportional to your role in the company;
- Production bonuses;
- A pleasant and modern working environment;

**GooNext Developer Academy: the door to the future**

The power of innovation, the flow of creativity. GooNext promotes research and technological development thanks to the GooNext Developer Academy, an incubator of ideas aimed at training new professionals in the IT sector. GooNext is a vital and dynamic group belonging to Studi Web, a well-established company with 18 years of experience which creates software distributed in 58 countries, the ideal working place for a professional and personal growth.

GooNext is always looking for new challenges and horizons to reach and for this reason it gives young creative minds the possibility to join its team, providing the resources and energies of experienced developers. A specialization school based on the Italian technological excellence of a software house specializing in the experimentation of successful innovative solutions in the field of chatbot, virtual reality and augmented reality.

We recruit and train talented web developers, offering them a job and free training for the development of JavaScript applications (Android and iOS), programming front-end (HTML5, CSS3) and back-end websites (PHP, MySql, symfony). This is the challenging project of GooNext Developer Academy. In this way we aim at enriching the knowledge of professionals, offering who has recently graduated in the IT sector a valuable work experience taking part in international projects.

Job training is an essential part in the programming field because experience is gained over time. This is why we want to build a team of programmers in which senior and junior work together, creating opportunities for mutual growth. GooNext Developer Academy is the training school based on a direct learning by doing method through the teaching of the senior programmers working in the company who have acquired a long experience working on international projects. A great opportunity for young Albanians who are going to enter the business world in the IT sector and want to enrich their portfolio, at the service of an Italian-Albanian company in constant development.

The academy will give impetus to the Albanian employment market in two ways: hiring senior programmers who will have the opportunity to improve their web development skills and recruiting the best dynamic junior programmers to offer them an internship aiming at hiring full-time the most talented resources.

To take part in this working reality and write a brilliant career you should be able to use new programming languages and know Italian and / or English. Joining the GooNext Developer Academy you will be part of something great developing software for important projects. Apply!

Kontaktoni Anonim (shitësi)

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    Pa pagesë iOS Developer nga Anonim