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Arabian speaking Area Sales Manager

Oferta Pune
Postuar 9 vjet më parë
52 shikime
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Arabian speaking Area Sales Manager

Oferta Pune
Postuar 9 vjet më parë
52 shikime


Arabian speaking Area Sales Manager


EU Mirror Shpk is a new Albanian company in Tirana, owned by EU Mirror Ltd, which is a London based company.
EU Mirror Group specializes in the production and distribution of acrylic mirrors in global markets. EU Mirror Shpk provides the EU Mirror Group with commercial and administrative services. EU Mirror Shpk can provide its employees with optimal job conditions and many benefits. Our core value is to employ people with an exceptional level of energy, strong motivation, high personal values and whom are highly qualified professionals.


The company is urgently looking for an excellent Arabian Sales Manager. The position is based in Tirana, permanent and full-time.
1. manages the relationship with Customers,
2. operates with the interest to increase brand awareness,
3. creates and protect business opportunities to increase volumes and / or marginalities, also researching and finding new Customers, new sectors and new application fields,
4. protect Customers, representing their interests towards company departments,
5. investigates, collects and saves meticulously in company computer systems useful information to define Marketing Strategies,
6. create and update periodically Marketing Strategies (segmentation, targeting, positioning, etc.) for its market / territory with the support of the Direction and internal or external Specialists, and after the approval of the Direction, implement them,
7. manages a commercial budget,
8. manages visits to Customers and from Customers,
9. identifies and suggests the presence in its territory of fairs and organizes every aspect,
10. charge work orders and coordinate with the systems of production planning, supply logistics and internal and external logistics distribution. Ensures monitoring (through the systems made available) of the work progress and coordinate herself with internal bodies and with Customers to manage eventual critical issues.
NOTE: This job description is not intended to be all-inclusive. Employee may perform other related duties as negotiated to meet the ongoing needs of the organization. Moreover, even if not necessary for the development of its market, will participate in all international fairs in which she will be called to participate.


The ideal candidate is a female Arabic mother tongue, 25-40 years old, with studying and working experience in Arab countries, graduated with excellent results. Previous experiences in B2B sales in the Arabic market are considered as an advantage.

Please, send your CV and presentation letter to: [email protected]

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    Pa pagesë Arabian speaking Area Sales Manager nga Anonim